Monday, February 2, 2009

Childhood experiences contribute for future

Couple of weeks ago I watched the Tommy Douglas biography. He is known as the father of Medicare and a founder of universal public health care system in Canada. What I found interesting in his biography was that his desire to establish universal health care system stems in his childhood experience. Growing up in a non-wealthy family and being diagnosed with osteoarthritis, nearly cost Tommy his leg. Since then as a politician he worked and envisioned universal system of health care that moved beyond provincial to national enactment, and today has become the ideal model in the most countries in the world.
If we just rethink about his story we can see that a wonderful idea which is now serving as a model in the world and saving a life of countless people using universal health care lay down in a single tragic childhood experience.
what children experince in their childhood can be the start of what they want to fallow in future. for instance, My interest to pursue a career in the field of dietetics and health care stems from my own childhood experiences. I have grown up in Iran and when I was a child, Iran was involved in a war with Iraq for eight years. During the war I experienced firsthand food scarcity, when most food factories had been closed. I have never forgotten the smell of fresh butter the first time that my mother could bring it to our table after months of doing without
Today we are facing an economy turndown. Many children are witnessing their parents loosing their jobs and can’t afford their mortgages. The number of children growing poor and hungry is rising. Governments all around the world are all looking for a solution to end the economic crisis. However any government can guarantee that the solutions would work. I believe there are many children like Tommy Douglas with brilliant ideas. We should be careful that every child has the equal opportunity to fully reach their potential since our future will be in their hands.