Monday, April 6, 2009

Mission Nutrition

As we all know, the prevalence of obesity is rising among Canadian children due to unhealthy eating habits and inactivity. In nutrition month campaign dietitians of Canada focus on promoting healthy eating habits for school aged children and youth. Dietitians across Canada work closely with parents, teachers and caregivers as their play major role in influencing healthy habits in children. Surveys show, Major challenge is identified as having not enough time to prepare healthy meals and convenient of unhealthy drinks and snacks.
Dietitians of Canada in partnership with Kellogg Canada Inc initiated a program called mission nutrition. This campaign designed fun activities such as poster challenge award for student to creatively illustrate healthy eating and physical activity massage of Canada’s food guide and many easy to use lesson plans. They also encourage families’ participation in this initiative. They provide some guidelines for families to make healthy choices and teach them how to follow 5 steps to make a healthy living goal and set an action plan. Also educate parents about nutrition labelling to have wiser choices. Further the campaign give parents Family Healthy Eating Tool Kit to use it as their guideline and strategies for involving their children in the process of making healthy food choices.
I believe this campaign have an excellent approach in way that they have involved educators, parents as well as children. All activities designed to be a fun experience. Therefore it would be more practical and have more long lasting effect on changing unhealthy eating behaviour. As we can see this initiative is beyond the level of awareness and provided great tools to put the plan in action.