Monday, March 16, 2009

The Role of “awareness” and steps toward change

According to Malcolm Gladwell , philosophy professor, in order to be successful in planning social changes we need to build awareness around the facts . He also mentions that people do not need all the detail information around the facts to make social changes. We make changes usually by simple massages.
It makes us think about change in different ways, as desirable change vs. undesirable, changes that people believe in, how people judge changes and also considering the kind of changes that are choice worthy.
He critically takes into question the awareness model for social changes. We usually tend to create change by informing the public about the seriousness about the cause. It means that awareness has been used as the first step in information model. Conversely, Malcolm Gladwell has been skeptical to this model in terms of usefulness of this approach in generating action since usually there is a huge gap between knowing and doing. He mentions that awareness should not necessarily come into first stage because education by itself sometimes doesn’t make enormous amount of change.
So how do we measure change?
As we have seen there are so many programs just to create awareness about healthy eating and active living, but how effective these programs have been so far?
Do we start from knowing or change start to happen after we start taking the actions toward change?
We need to focus more on effective strategies to move population toward healthier nutrition practices and active living while maintaining awareness.In recent global financial crisis, I believe in order to make successful changes more budgets has to be allocated for effective nutrition strategies such as $100 healthy food supplement. Since, it is not wise to just educate people about healthy eating while they can’t afford it

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